Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tom comes to his room in typical fashion

This has been a day of many adventures. After Dr. Silver came and told me the good news he said Tom was awake and talking up a storm and would be in a room within the hour. Then I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally they told me what room he would be in and i took the kids and Jaan and went THERE to wait. We met his lovely roomie Bob and waited some more. Finally at about 5:30 he came off the elevator, chatting up a storm with his nurse. Of course they knew 10 of the same people.

He is not groggy. He is not in pain. He has an epidural with a little pain killing button to push and he is doing great. His blood pressure is fine. His mouth is super dry, but maybe that is because he has been talking nonstop!! Well, it's also because of all the surgery stuff.

Interestingly enough, also waiting in the waiting room with me was Tom's other best friend from high school, Mike Hamilton, whose wife had her hip replaced today. She is 3 doors down from Tom, so Mike has already been in to see Tom and tell our sons about the time he, Tom McFadden and Tommy Rudolph took a suitcase of gin, tonic and ice to hitch-hike to the shore and made cocktails for themselves and the people who picked them up. And that was just the beginning!!

Tom's father is also on this floor, and they have called each other, which is pretty cool for both of them. Tom and he made a date to go for a walk tomorrow, so SJ Rudolph will be taking his son on his first steps for the second time in his life.

Here is the final really funny thing. Tom had a long time to wait in recovery because they had a Code 13 (psychiatric emergency) and all the transport people had to go and subdue the aggressive person(s) involved. To pass the time he asked for pencil and paper and made 2 full pages of notes. Sounds like our boy is bouncing back!! Contemplating clouds is not on the list, (a John Dunphy recommended recovery activity) but I thought you might enjoy reading a few of the items...

In no particular order:
Play poker with the kids
Get pictures of band kids from Rick or Tiiu so he can learn all their names before he comes back, esp. 7th grade.
Several books ideas, including how to start a garage band and what songs are easy to learn and play for new players.
Write a jazz blog for kids with Gusten
Find every way he can to get Brad Shaner money to support Brad's cancer battle. (Brad has had stage 4 cancer for 5 years, and is a trumpet player adn teacher in the UPper Darby School District. He is a certified hero and has been a great resource for Tom since he got the news).
Make a podcast
Go to Ann’s on spring break an help with the fish
Write his Winter Concert announcements


jabdonor said...

Hey Tom - what great news! Glad to hear all has gone well. Those epidurals are truly awesome as well as percocet. Now it's onto what will be a speedy and complete recovery. all is well at haverford...we'll quiz you on those band student names when you get back. Do you also want pics of the general music kids, too? - all the best, joe

John Dunphy said...

This man has entirely too much time on his hands. He needs a touch of the irrational. Making lists is not part of the regimen. Clouds watching, sun moving across the wall and an occasional long, low "ohmmmmmm" is what he needs. He gets out of my sight for a few weeks and he returns to his bad habits.
OK. OK. I'll give him another chance. Try my list (in no particular order):

The sound of one hand clapping
Listen for the tide to change
Play games with no winner
Identify colors in a dark room

This is your last chance!!!! :)
Aside from that, glad to hear things went well.


Christine said...

With any luck, this will be a very short lived blog! We are so glad to hear all went well and we'll keep our fingers crossed for a rapid return to the chaos outside the hospital!