Now that he has moved to the third floor Tom is really appreciating the exceptional quality of the fifth floor nurses. One of them, Musawa (??) from Sierra Leone came down to visit him last night and took him for a walk on her break. Very nice. She is the same nurse who gave Tom's dad his IV when Dad was determined that his nurse Fred was a hypnotist. His other favorite was Kim who took him for his first walk, and now is his Dad's nurse. Both of them are pictured above. As well as the movie of his first walk if I can get it to load, then you can see Kim in action.
Get that man a robe!
Hey Tiiu, thanks for all of the great updates! I'm just learning how to do this blogging thing so I hope you get this! Tell Tom that Jim and I thinking of him and that he is NOT off the hook for going to Monks with us! By the way, we see Tom hasn't been too sick to pick up chicks, good for him! And for you - being alright with that!!
Joanne & Jim
Hey Tiiu--(This is Mom, with a big thanks to Jaan for having a Google account!) If you ever get bored or fried from your current job, you can have a great career as a "blogmeister" (thanks to John for that great term!), writing blogs from the hospital for people who don't know how to do it. Great Job! Of course, you have a most entertaining subject to write for this time, next one might not be so engaging!
Joanne, your post came through perfectly. We are planning on the Monks thing ourselves, as soon as possible. Maybe he can bring his new girlfriends along too!
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