This is Tom doing his Underdog impersonation. He was hoping to fly away, but had to stroll instead. There will be a video of him walking in a bit. He was a little tippy at first, but then he stabilized himself.
Woohooo! Great news on the results on the report...well, not that they were cancerous, but that they were contained! So, no more treatment required?!?!? I hope that is the case anyay. You are still in our prayers and I must admit that I am chuckling that Tom is without any internet and everyone else has it!:) Love you all, Lucinda, Ole and the gang
Tom, it is great to see you standing so soon after your surgery! You are doing much better than me-the lower back pain from the pregnancy caused me to sit all yesterday!--Amy:)
Don't jump, don't jump!!!! You can play the first trumpet part if you really want to...........
Woohooo! Great news on the results on the report...well, not that they were cancerous, but that they were contained! So, no more treatment required?!?!? I hope that is the case anyay. You are still in our prayers and I must admit that I am chuckling that Tom is without any internet and everyone else has it!:)
Love you all,
Lucinda, Ole and the gang
Tom, it is great to see you standing so soon after your surgery! You are doing much better than me-the lower back pain from the pregnancy caused me to sit all yesterday!--Amy:)
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